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Simplifying complex medical services for pet parents

Web Copywriting

  Client: VetStrategy

March 2022 - Ongoing

Project Duration

Content and Copywriting



As a freelance content and copywriter, I work with various clients and brands to help them deliver the right content for their businesses.

VetStrategy is a Toronto-based practice that manages veterinary clinics. Over the course of the last few months, I have written website copies for over 10 websites for this client. I write content explaining the veterinary services for pet animals such as dogs, cats, rabbits, pocket animals and exotic pets.  

Problem Statement

How might we persuade help pet owners to easily understand complex veterinary services for pet animals?

The Process


The process is very straightforward as VetStrategy already has guidelines for voice and tone and content structure. 

I get two weeks to complete the services, about us and career page for each clinic or hospital. The services section includes anywhere from 25 to 40 sections that require  new copy. I work off of the guidelines and copy from the existing website to create new content for each of the sections. I undertake secondary research to find new scientific information (from credible sources) and use it to create fresh, easily comprehensive copy to help pet parents understand veterinary procedures such as euthanasia, microchipping, surgical procedures and more. From research to proofreading and editing, I cover all the bases before sending a clean and actionable copy back to the client. 


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